
How Much is IV Therapy?

How Much is IV Therapy?

Many of us spent a lot of our time dehydrated and lacking essential vitamins and nutrients. IV therapy can benefit anyone from people seeking weight loss support to those trying to recover from a stomach bug. It can…

How Many Units of Botox® Will I Need to Treat my Forehead?

How Many Units of Botox® Will I Need to Treat my Forehead?

Our facial expressions help make us human, but they also contribute to facial lines and wrinkles. Called dynamic wrinkles because they are caused by motion, these lines and wrinkles develop in areas where the muscles repeatedly pull on…

How Long Does IV Therapy Last?

How Long Does IV Therapy Last?

IV therapy administers hydration, supplements, nutrients, and medications directly into your bloodstream. The body can utilize them more efficiently this way since the digestive system takes a long time to process nutrients and often does poorly absorb them. …

How Much is Microneedling?

How Much is Microneedling?

When used as a stand-alone treatment, microneedling improves the appearance of lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, and skin laxity. When combined with protein-rich plasma (PRP), results appear faster, and skin has a healthy vibrance.  What is Microneedling with PRP?…

Which IV Fluid is Best for a Hangover?

Which IV Fluid is Best for a Hangover?

After too many alcoholic beverages, you may wake up feeling nauseous and suffering from severe headaches in the morning. These symptoms occur because as the body processes alcohol, it leaves behind a variety of toxic by-products. In addition,…

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

At Robertson Wellness and Aesthetics, we use hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. These use a material naturally present in the body to add volume, increase plumpness, and enhance contours. This increased fullness looks natural and youthful, but how long…