UBI is an exciting treatment being offered at RWA Center in Beverly Hills. It stands for ultraviolet blood irradiation. That can seem like a complicated set of terms, but the explanation is not too complicated and the science behind it actually goes a long way back in history. Still, people may be wondering: is UBI worth doing?
The short answer is: yes!
UBI is a safe, proven medical treatment that has the potential to rejuvenate your blood, give you an immune boost, and even kill viruses and bacteria. Just hearing that, in and of itself, should be reason enough to believe that UBI is worth it. But let’s look closer at what this exciting therapy actually is.

When you come in to receive a UBI treatment at RWA Center in Los Angeles, one of our trained clinicians will insert an IV into you and attach it to an ultraviolet light emitting machine. Hearing this may evoke therapy ideas from science fiction, but this is actually based on science that goes way back. What happens is, your blood is cleansed by a UV light which will kill bacteria in it in the way we have found all natural sunlight does. After the blood is cleaned, it comes right back to your body.
If you go through about six to eight UBI therapies,you may see some positive results. Generally speaking, this is when many patients begin to see them. Some patients may require differing amounts of UBI therapy based on a series of variables, like the state of their immune system when starting.
UBI’s roots in science go all the way back to the 1800s, when it was found by scientists that bacteria could be killed by sunlight. In the early 1900s, a scientist even won a Nobel Prize for using UV to treat skin conditions at a very high success rate by building on this established knowledge.
In the 1920s, scientists started experimenting with the idea of cleaning the bacteria in blood using machines to help treat various ailments in patients. The idea showed a lot of promise and now, almost one hundred years later, we’re see these ideas come to fruition with modern technology.
The process has been found to be safe and have no negative side effects, so to circle back to our original question: is UBI worth it? The answer is certainly a yes!
If you’re interested in receiving a UBI treatment, you should book a consultation with us at RWA Center and we can let you know more about it!