UBI: Facts to Know
UBI is a fascinating treatment that many are turning to to help them feel better. But what is UBI? Here are some facts to know about it.
UBI stands for “Ultraviolet blood irradiation.” Ultraviolet blood irradiation is a mouthful, but what it basically is is a safe and proven medical procedure that can kill bacteria and viruses, boost the immune system, and rejuvenate the blood. And UBI is a service that is offered in Beverly Hills at RWA Center.
You might be wondering, what does ultraviolet blood irradiation do? Though UBI sounds very modern and technological, it actually has its roots in science going back hundreds of years. Ultraviolet, or UV, is on the electromagnetic spectrum at a lower wavelength range than visible light.
In the late 1800s, it was discovered by scientists that sunlight could kill bacteria. Sugar water left in the shade turned cloudy while sugar water left in the sun remained clear. Bacteria grew in the shaded solution but not the one put in sunlight. In the early 1900s, Niels Finsen won a Nobel Prize for using UV to treat skin conditions at a high success rate based on this knowledge.
Further using the basis of this science, Emmett Knott of Seattle, Washington, thought that UV irradiation might be beneficial if you could expose blood to it and he created a chamber to do so. Thus was born one of the earliest versions of UBI. This was all the way back about one hundred years ago, in the 1920s! Knott carried out lots of experiments to see if his idea would work and found the results to be very promising in treating a variety of diseases. In the years since, people have seen UBI treat asthma, arthritis, tuberculosis, septicemia, poliomyelitis, and pneumonia, to name a few.
UBI has come a long way since then, and now you do not need to travel to Washington for it. You can receive a treatment of UBI in Beverly Hills at RWA Center.
The next question people might wonder is: is irradiated blood safe? That’s the good news about UBI. It has been found to be very safe. Even back one hundred years ago, Emmett Knott was finding positive results and no negative side effects. Imagine what a century of technology and knowledge has added to the process.
The UBI process is pretty simple. A clinician will insert an IV into your vein and attach it to the ultraviolet light emitting machine. It is then cleansed with UV light, killing bacteria the same way sunlight killed it in the sugar water back in the 1800s, and then the UV-cleansed blood is restored to the body.
People might need a differing amount of UBI sessions depending on their immune systems and other variables, but generally, six to eight treatments, twice a week will be able to show some results.