Containing a special blend of vitamins and electrolytes, this famous formula
will help you restore or maintain your health and wellness in a way
no oral supplements can.

What is Myers Cocktail IV Therapy?

Myers Cocktail IV is a powerful intravenous therapy designed to deliver essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream. This treatment contains a blend of B vitamins, Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants, offering a unique formula that supports overall wellness and addresses various health concerns. By bypassing the digestive system, the Myers Cocktail provides rapid absorption and immediate benefits, making it an effective solution for conditions such as fatigue, migraines, depression, and chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia and cardiovascular disease. Regular use helps strengthen the immune system, reduce toxins, and enhance overall vitality.

IV Myers Cocktail Therapy Benefits

IV Vitamin Infusions

Myers Cocktail IV


How Does Myers Cocktail Work?

The Myers Cocktail is a powerful IV therapy designed to deliver essential vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream, ensuring maximum absorption and faster results compared to oral supplements. This unique blend includes B vitamins, Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants, all working together to boost energy, enhance immunity, and support overall wellness.


By bypassing the digestive system, IV therapy allows these nutrients to be fully absorbed, making it an effective treatment for various conditions, including fatigue, migraines, muscle spasms, respiratory infections, cardiovascular issues, and even depression. Many people use the Myers Cocktail as part of their preventative health regimen, experiencing long-term benefits like improved immune function and increased vitality.


With regular IV therapy, your body stays stronger, healthier, and more resilient. The Myers Cocktail not only helps combat chronic conditions but also enhances recovery, detoxification, and overall wellness.

Special Offer:

& enjoy 50% OFF on any IV Vitamins

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Our IV Membership

Luxury wellness center Los Angeles

1 IV per month
+ Benefits

20% OFF

any additional IVs,
injections and add-ons

Included in the
IV Infusions:

All-Inclusive ($299 value) –
our most popular IV

High Dose Vitamin C

Energy Boost IV

Hangover IV

Immune Boost

Myers Cocktail


Stomach Bug



Free Vitamin B12 shot AND
Vitamin D shot ($75 value)

Best IV therapy in Beverly Hills
Best IV therapy in Beverly Hills

Services not included with memberships: NAD+ IV treatments, Exosomes/Stem Cells, Weight Management Program, Ozone/UBI Therapy, Peptide Therapy, and/or any Advanced Medical Treatments
*Requires a 3 month commitment, *Benefits expire annually, *Memberships must be canceled with a 30-day notice via email to

Additional Services:

Reverse Your Aging Like the Kardashians

NAD+ Infusions

Ozon Therapy

Weight Management


Vitamin IVs

Request a Consultation

* indicates required fields


This IV therapy contains a mix of B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, and antioxidants. Each ingredient plays a crucial role in boosting energy levels, enhancing immune function, and supporting muscle and nerve health.

The Myers Cocktail is commonly used to address fatigue, migraines, muscle cramps, respiratory infections, and cardiovascular health. Many people also use it for stress relief, immune support, and overall wellness maintenance.

Your body will absorb the fluids and electrolytes wherever they are most needed, helping you feel better and eliminate the symptoms of dehydration quickly.

After the IV treatment has ended, your provider will remove the needle. You should feel only a small pinch when the line is inserted and removed, and you should not feel anything during the treatment.

A typical Myers Cocktail IV session lasts around 30 minutes. Patients can sit back and relax while the infusion delivers essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream for immediate benefits.

Some people experience an energy boost and mental clarity right after treatment, while others notice improvements within 24 to 48 hours. The effects can last for several days, and regular sessions help maintain long-term benefits.

IV therapy provides a higher absorption rate than oral supplements, which must pass through the digestive system before being utilized by the body. With IV infusion, nutrients go directly into the bloodstream, offering faster and more effective results.

The cost of our IV Myers Cocktail is $225 per treatment session.