Weight Loss Program



12 Week Program 

Initial Consultation includes:

You and our medical provider will dive into critical factors that can influence weight, like your medical history, lifestyle, and metabolism.
If you decide to move forward with your weight loss journey, a full assessment will be performed.

Physical examination | Blood work | iDEXA scan (as needed) | EKG (as needed)Personalized Nutrition Plan (booklet)

WEEK 2: 
You will have a visit with a medical provider to review lab results and create a personalized medical weight loss treatment plan.
WEEK 3-12+
Weekly Check-In
Each week, you will visit the clinic for your injection, vital signs, and weigh-in. At this time, our clinician will follow up with any questions or concerns you have.
See Results & Maintenance
After your Initial 12-week weight loss program, you will have a final weigh-in and a meeting with the clinician to discuss the future. Continue to track your progress and stay connected with our team.